Fillmore County 4-H Horse Project Work Night Is Cancelled!
If you are apart of the Fillmore Count 4-H Horse project work night at the fairgrounds has been cancelled for this evening, but the meeting is still going on!
The meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. tonight and there is NO potluck. The meeting is located at the Extension Office Conference Room in Preston.
Make sure you share this news will everyone possible so the word can get out!
With the weather we have had the past couple days, it is not ideal conditions to do work outside. It is just too wet. You can always stay up to date on community events by listening to 103.1 KFIL as we keep you up to date on what is happening in the community!
If you have a community event, don't forget to submit it to add it to our community calendar right HERE.
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