Does a Mild Winter Mean We Are in Store for a Hot Summer?
We have had quite the winter in Southeast Minnesota this year. Early in November, we had days where it was near 70 degrees! In January, we had temps with wind chill values as low as -60.
That seems a bit extreme, but overall, we have had a pretty mild winter. We have only had a couple big snowstorms, but for the most part the winter has had mild weather. We have had a mix of rain with some warmer temperatures.
It got me thinking, are we in line for a very mild spring?
I had to do a lot of digging to come up with something very different to what I was assuming. I was always under the impression that with a mild winter, we would see a harsh spring and mild summer. That is not so much the case. According to an article on Ag Week, when temperatures are mild in the winter, or divert largely from the average, we should see that trend continue in the summer months.
Meaning if the winter temperatures are much warmer, that trend should continue into the summer, and if the temperatures are very cold, we should see a cooler summer.
Sounds like we should be in store for a warmer summer in 2017!