Chili Cook Off Returns To Preston
Save the date for the Chili Cook-Off in Preston to enjoy some brews, bowls of chili and even some great music.
The Get Hook'd on Preston Facebook page shared the info today that they are looking to add some music to the event that will take place on Saturday, January 18th, from 2-4pm at The Servicemen's Club in downtown Preston.
It is a great time to eat some delicious food, drink some cold beverages during the cold days of January.
You can get more info on the Chili Cook-Off HERE.
If you want, you can also join in on the chili contest, details are below:
If you would like to enter into the chili contest see below…..(FREE to enter!)
Requirements: 8 quart crock pot, ladle, any items that go with your chili (crackers, chips, etc) Participants need to get their ingredient list to Gabby by January 15th at Preston City Hall or email contact@prestonmnchamber.com. Please arrive 30 minutes before the event. Bowls and spoons for testing will be provided and everyone gets to vote! Contact Gabby for more information at 507-765-2153