An original four-part documentary series that will focus on the 1980 Miracle on Ice that not only captured a nation, but it also morphed from just a sporting event to a "cultural phenomenon". The four-part series entitled A Homegrown Miracle will air during the month of March locally on KSTP-TV beginning on March 8 and continuing for four weeks through Sunday, March 29. 

According to a press release, "the documentary series features interviews with nine members of the gold medal-winning Team USA hockey team that defeated the powerful Soviet Union team by a score of 4-3, on February 22, 1980."

Some of the people to be interviewed for this docu-series were Team USA members Bill Baker, Neal Broten, Dave Christian, Robbie McClanahan, Mike Ramsey, John Harrington, Steve Janaszak, Buzz Schneider, and Phil Verchota, who were nine of the team’s 13 players from Minnesota.

Airdates for “A Homegrown Miracle”

Sunday, March 8: Part One: The Architect: Herb Brooks

Sunday, March 15: Part Two: The Road to Lake Placid

Sunday, March 22: Part Three: A Return to Lake Placid

Sunday, March 29: Part Four: After the Miracle

The docu-series is just in time for the 40th anniversary of the Miracle on Ice. You can watch a preview of A Homegrown Miracle here.

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