$20,000 Mayo Match for Salvation Army Red Kettles This Weekend!
Little kids celebrating Christmas, being able to give something to mom or dad, mom and dad being able to feed their kids and hand them wrapped gifts. These things we can imagine when we think about the Salvation Army at Christmastime.
But healthy bodies, teeth, job hunting skills, Faith, shelter, and so much more happens because of the donations that come in during the Red Kettle Season. There are so many ways to help...with your money and your time are the two most important right now.
Today it is the Vikings vs Packers Bell Ringing Challenge, where fans of each will be ringing side-by-side to see which team'll collect the most for the Rochester Salvation Army! Then, tomorrow begins a HUGE weekend for the Red Kettle Campaign.
The 21st and 22nd it is the massive $20,000 Mayo Clinic Match Weekend! The Mayo Clinic will match all the dollars donated in the Red Kettles on Friday and Saturday. Double your donation during the final Red Kettle Match of the Christmas Season.
If you've been thinking about making a larger than usual donation this year, maybe $25 instead of $10, or $100 instead of $50, please, make the donation this weekend so they can get every bit of that matching grant.
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM