Everyone is looking to make a little bit of extra money. There is no doubt about that, but it is hard to do that when you are already busting your butt at another job. So, how can you make a little bit more money on the side?

Well, thanks too The Penny Hoarder, we now have 50 ways you can make a little bit of extra cash. Fifty is a lot, and creates a very long list, so I decided to knock it down to my favorite three that were unique and maybe something you didn't already know! They are also all legal, according to Penny Hoarder, so that is good.

1. Use Paribus to Get Money Back From Online Purchases

I have never heard of Paribus before this, but it is free to sign up! It is like a secret weapon because this application looks to see if any of the 16 companies on their website need to refund you any money on any of your online purchases! Pretty sweet, right? Check it out for yourself! You can't delete your emails though, because that is where the application searches for your online receipts.

2. Test Websites

I know, this one seems a little weird, but you could do it! People are always wondering if their website has the correct layout. You sign up with UserTesting, and make roughly $10 an hour just to test websites.

3. Serve As A Mock Juror

Another odd job, but someone wants to pay you for it! If you like courtroom dramas (like me) you can sign up to become a mock juror and help out lawyers. The pay ranges from $10-$60 an hour. That is a ridiculous amount of change to read court documents, videos and photos. You can find more at that one HERE.

Maybe none of these are for you, but if you are looking for some extra cash this summer, it may not be a poor idea. You can complete a majority of these from your home, so it wouldn't cut into any of your family time.

Now get some extra summer cash!


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