YouTubers Prank 6-Year-Old Daughter and Minnesota Isn’t Having It
On the video, the dad says, "She's believing it?" after an April Fools' Day prank on their six-year-old now very crying and sad daughter. What did they do? Tell her it was Monday when it was really Tuesday? Nope.
They told her they were giving-away her puppy. Oh, that's all? Well, I...wait...what?
That's right, they said they were taking away her puppy and thought it'd be funny.
Who are these parents that think emotionally traumatizing their child for clicks is funny? They're YouTubers Cole and Savannah LaBrant. According to BuzzFeed News...
(Their) channel has 8.7 million subscribers on YouTube. Sav has 5 million Instagram followers, her husband has 4 million, the daughter...has 4.3 million, and the couple’s 3-month-old daughter...has 1.1 million. Even (the) puppy, Carl, has an impressive 759,000 Instagram followers. (names of the kids have been removed by James)
This is just me spitballin', but maybe the reason they thought it'd be funny is seeing life thru a camera is not seeing life. I can easily imagine a child being incredibly attached to a puppy.
a) Kids, puppies. It's a natural fit.
ii) Maybe it's the only one in the house not expecting her to perform.
Anyway, if you want to watch the video, it's here. Prepare to blow your top when the dad laughs at the kid when she cries and takes it seriously. Then be ready to roll your eyes when they think the daughter pranking the dad is "payback."
Criminy, there's just nothing good about it. And Minnesotan's agree. The Twitters and Facebooks are filled with people of this fine state saying how they like these YouTubers, but it's over the line.
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