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St Paul (KROC AM News) -  Voters who take part in the May primary election for the 1st Congressional District seat that represents southern Minnesota will have a long list of candidates to choose from.

A total of 10 Republicans and eight Democrats have filed for the seat that became vacant due to the recent death of Congressman Jim Hagedorn.

Jim Hagedorn

His wife is one of the candidates for the seat.

Two candidates representing parties that want to legalize marijuana have also filed.

Filings closed Tuesday.


MN Sec of State
MN Sec of State

The winners of the May 24th primary will move on to the special election on August 9th. Whoever wins that election will serve the balance of Hagedorn’s term, which runs through the end of the year.

The Republican and Democratic candidates for the seat will likely attend their state conventions, which are being held just before the primary election. Both are being held in Rochester this year. The Republicans will gather in the city on May 13th and 14th. The Democratic convention will be held a week later.

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