If you carry a Capital One Credit Card in your wallet, you might want to make sure your personal information isn't floating around. According to a press release Capital One put out, an individual hacked their systems and got their hands on some of their customer's information. The hacker got things like name, address, and basic demographic information if you applied for a credit card between 2005 and 2019.

That press release said that 140,000 US social security numbers were obtained and 80,000 Canadian numbers. That's only about one percent of their customers. The company spokesperson continued to say that some customer's status, credit scores, balance and payment history may have been obtained as well.

Bring Me The News says that the person responsible for the act has been arrested. That same article says that this breach will cost the company around $150 million dollars after they finish cleaning up the mess that was made. That includes legal fees and notifying the customers that were affected.

You can always call the company to see if you were one of the people who should be worried about your personal information.

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