Preston Gears Up for Garage Sale Season
When the weather warms up, so does garage sale season in Southeast Minnesota.
Preston will have three separate opportunities to enjoy the community and get out and find some great deals, or maybe a great opportunity to make a few bucks off of things you may or may not need anymore.
According to the Get Hooked on Preston Facebook Page, Preston will have three different garage sale events including during Trout Days, May 17th - 18th, the 60-mile Garage Sale with Root River Trail Towns June 21-22nd and the Fall Garage Sales September 13-14th.
You can stay up to date on what the addresses of the sales are with the Get Hooked on Preston Facebook Page. Garage Sale season is always great as you are able to rummage through several different sales in a short period of time, and the possibility of finding a treasure to take home and use yourself. Plus, it is usually at a really good price!
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