Moo University Dairy Webinar Fly Control Stratigies
I guess this is another sign of spring, planning on fly control strategies in your dairy herd! The University of Minnesota Extension Service will be sponsoring the I-29 Moo University Dairy Webinar Fly Control Strategies on Friday March 26, 2021 from noon to 1:00 pm. The I-29 Moo University is a consortium of Dairy Extension dairy specialists from a number of land grant universities that include Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and North Dakota.
The webinar will discuss different species of flies that bother cows, dairy farmers, employees and neighbors and different strategies of how to control them. Dr. Roger Moon retired from the University of Minnesota Entomology department will lead the webinar. There is no charge but you need to pre-register to receive the link for the webinar. You can do that at: You can also ask Dr. Roger Moon any questions you may have that were maybe not addressed during the webinar.
If you would like more information give Jim Salfer a call at the University of Minnesota 320-203-6093.