Minnesota DNR EagleCam is Popular
Lori Naumann with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) Nongame Wildlife Program say some Vietnamese school children recently wrote her. They thanked the DNR for having the EagleCam available for their science class.
Naumann says the first Eagle egg was laid on February 16th and the second on February 20th. Those were spread out over more days then last year when three eggs were laid, each 3 days apart.
Naumann pointed out there is a new dad this year. The belief is the mom lost her partner and picked up a younger male who has taken to the sharing of duties Eagles do.
They could teach a lot of us about those shared duties. The male does assist the female in incubating the eggs. Naumann adds the male typically does do more of the hunting for food and bringing it back to the nest.
It's amazing to see how the Eagles make the food morsels the right size as the chicks grow older.
Incubation is typically approximately 35 days so could have chicks by March 23rd.
Naumann says the EagleCam would not be possible without the donations given through the MN Nongame Wildlife Program which is funded over 80% by donations. The rest comes from grants. No state general funds are used.
You can donate through the Nongame Wildlife Tax Checkoff. Look for the Loon on your state tax form.
Online either one time or on a recurring basis here is the link.
Or by mailing in a donation. Every $1 donated to the fund, is matched by RIM (Reinvest in Minnesota) Critical Habitate License Plate $1. It is tax deductible.
Check out the DNR Eagle Cam Updates.
The DNR EagleCam Live Stream is here.
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