Iowa Man Makes Bomb Threat Over Lack of McDonald’s Dipping Sauce

A dough-headl in Iowa was so upset he didn't get dipping sauce with his McDonald's Chicken Nuggets he allegedly threatened to blow up the restaurant! And people wonder why employees complain about their service jobs?
Anyway, according to Newsweek, his name is Robert Golzwitzer Jr. and he was at an Ankeny, Iowa, McDonald's on Saturday around 5:20. He realized he was missing the dipping sauce he ordered, and if you watch the security footage, you see he gets out of the car, throws his drinks into the drive-thru window, and then it looks like he's telling the employee to "F-Off."
According to police, when he got home he called the restaurant and threatened to blow up the restaurant and punch an employee.
"Police said a criminal complaint was filed by the restaurant, after which officers successfully contacted Golwitzer using the phone number the threat was called in from. During police interviews, Golwitzer admitted to making the violent statements." (Newsweek)
He was arrested the following day.
A Quick Peak at International McDonald's Locations
In other Midwest Dough-Heads making bomb-threats news...
Green Bay, WI Bride Cancels Wedding, Allegedly Makes Bomb Threat
On June 18, 2o21, a woman from Green Bay, Wisconsin, threatened to blow up a wedding venue after she cancelled her wedding, but her ex-fiancé held a party at the venue without her.
According to police reports, a party was going on at the Vandervest Harley Davidson (in Howard, Wisconsin, just outside Green Bay) and a 32-year-old woman allegedly made a bomb threat on Facebook, "to bomb and shoot up the building."
Apparently, the wedding was called off because the bride-to-be and the groom got into a fight. The now ex-groom and ex-fiancé had paid the money for the fod, drinks, DJ, and venue rental, so he threw a party. Waste not want not, right?
Yes, the venue was in the Harley Davidson building. AN upstairs banquet hall called "The Duck Blind Olde 41."
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.