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How well do you really know downtown Rochester Let's find out!  There are a whole bunch of photos of people, places, and things in downtown Rochester and you get to try to guess where they are.

I spy with my little eye...  The game is simple!  Below are a bunch of photos that are closeups of something that you see if you ever drive by, eat at, or walk around downtown Rochester.  Study the first photo, mentally put your answer down in your head or write it down, and then go to the next photo to see if you are correct. 👉When you are finished playing, send me a message with how many you got correct!  You can find me easily on my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio - or on my Instagram page here.

Downtown Rochester, MN Scavenger Hunt in Photos

Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams

Speaking of downtown Rochester...if you are walking around, there is a little bit of a poop situation going on.  The crows have been busy and leaving their mark everywhere.  While I was grabbing photos for this game, I took a few photos of the crow poop disaster for you too.  Enjoy.  

Does Rochester, Mn have a crow problem? This poop says 'yes'!

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