Gunshot Injury in Rural Preston
The Fillmore County Sheriff's Office released a statement concerning a gunshot injury in rural Preston Monday February 6. Fillmore County Sheriff Tom Kaase discusses the incident in his press release below:
"On 02/06/17, at approximately 5:05 PM, the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Dispatch received a call of a gunshot injury. It was reported that the victim was being transported by private conveyance to the Preston Ambulance Station. Fillmore County Deputies and Preston Police responded. The victim was a 29 year old male Chatfield resident. It was learned that the victim was injured in the country, in the area of the Fillmore County Airport. The victim sustained the self-inflicted injury, from a high-power rifle, while traveling in a motor vehicle. The victim was injured in the foot and is not life-threatening. The driver of the vehicle and the victim were reportedly coyote hunting. The victim was transported to St. Mary’s Hospital by the Preston Ambulance. The incident remains under investigation by Sgt. Derek Fuglestad, Deputy Jason Harmening, and the Minnesota DNR."