Four Poisonous Plants in Minnesota You Should Know About
Many of us love to be outside and enjoying nature. I love to hike, fish and just be out in the sun. When you are in the sun, there's a chance that you can be exposed to poisonous plants and animals. Rochester's Mom's Blog came up with a list of plants that you should keep an eye out for when you are out in nature!
Poison Ivy
One of the most common plants across the country is Poison Ivy. I have seen plenty of it, but have never been affected by it. I really should knock on some wood because now I'm going to get affected now. Poison Ivy is one of the easiest to identify. Look for three green leaves with no thorns. If the leaves are on the ground, they can still cause a rash, so be super careful. The good news is many times the rash can be treated at home, but in some rare extream cases, you may have to go to the doctor for treatment. I've seen Poison Ivy on many trails in Colorado, but I'm not sure about Minnesota yet.
Wild Parsnip
Wild Parsnip was another plant that was talked about! Fun fact... it's part of the carrot family. Okay, that's a weird family to be a part of, but this plant can cause harm. Now, you can not eat it like a carrot! The plant itself doesn't cause harm, but the juices the plant produces causes the issues. The article says the plant can grow to around five feet tall and have five to fifteen leaves. Even though they are beautiful, they can cause a lot of pain if the juices come in contact with your skin.
Stinging Nettles
According to the Rochester Mom's blog, Stinging Nettles is found everywhere in nature. You have to be careful because the plant is close to the ground. The plant itself isn't poisonous, it's the tiny hairs on it that are poisonous. The hairs are on the stems and the leaves. Fun fact, some people use this plant as natural medicine, but only experts should do that. The rash will take about an hour to develop if you have come in contact with it. Most of the time you can treat at home, but if you aren't sure how to treat, going to the doctor is the best decision you can do.
Poison Sumac
This plant can be really pretty. Poison Sumac changes colors with the seasons. It's got some pretty fall colors but is harmful if you come in contact with it. So what are you looking for? This plant has red stems most of the time. The leaves have a smooth edge and they love warm, wet environments. They are mostly found close to the ground, but they can grow to the size of a medium tree if they are exposed to the proper amount of sunlight. This plant has very symmetrical leaf patterns meaning that there is the same number of leaves on each side of the stem. If you are tall, watch your head because this plant is known to climb. Once again this can be treated at home, but if the rash gets pretty bad, it's recommended that you go to the doctor.
If you do have any concerns about coming into contact with one of these plants, the best thing to do is call your doctor. They will have some great advice on how to treat the rash and if you need to come in for more treatment. So when you are out adventuring this summer, keep an eye out for these plants because you don't want a rash to ruin a fun adventure.
Paisley Dunn, Putting a smile on your face every workday from 3pm-7pm!