Sure, there a few days left in April but, it's no use. Local weather officials have already called this month one for the record books in southeast Minnesota.

Here in the Bold North, we're proud of our ability to not only survive, but thrive, in the cold and snow. We routinely (and rightfully!) make fun of other parts of the country where they pretty much panic and a few flurries hit the ground. (And, heaven help them if the snow starts to pile up!)

But even the heartiest of Minnesotans no doubt found themselves a little winter-weary this year when Old Man Winter continued to pile on snowstorm after snowstorm during April. I mean, come on, April's the month we're supposed to looking for showers, not snowflakes, right?

But while we did get more than the usual amount of snow, it was the COLD that was the bigger story in April. According to ABC-6 Chief Meteorologist Chris Kuball, April of 2018 will go down as the coldest April in Rochester history.

And it wasn't even close! The previous record for Rochester's Coldest April was set back in 1950, when temperatures averaged 37.6 degrees for the month. This April, though, our temperatures have averaged a puny 30.6 degrees-- a full seven degrees colder than the previous record.

And even though the month isn't even over it, it still doesn't matter. As Chris said, "We could hit 100 each of the next four days... April 2018 would still go down as the coldest April on record!"

So, yeah, 2018 WAS a cold spring. Enjoy the warm weather that should finally be here to stay. Because in only 55 days, we'll start getting less sunshine every day! (Sorry about that...)

  Listen to Curt St. John from 6 to 10 a.m. on Quick Country 96.5 
and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 103.9 The Doc



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