Waseca Officer Arik Matson took home a pair of plaques recently recognizing him as the Law Officer of the Year from the American Legion 1st District as well as the State Award for being the 2021 Law Officer of the Year Award from the most recent American Legion conference held in Morton, Minnesota.

The Matson Strong Facebook page recently shared that Arik is now up for a National award that is he won would recognize him as the 2021 Law Officer of the Year in the entire US. Arik earned his opportunity to be recognized after winning both at the local level with his 1st District win and winning the state honor.

The page, which keeps people up to date with what Arik and his family are doing, stated that Arik "is humbled by the selection. And says, 'Thank you yet again'".

On top of the recent awards from the American Legion, Matson was also busy recently signing the 100 handmade thank you's sent out to Minnesota Law Enforcement agencies that stood guard over Arik in the hospital and assisted the Matson family while Arik was in the hospital recovering from his injuries after being shot in the line of duty in January of 2019.

Arik and his family have made a huge impact in Minnesota since that January evening. The Minnesota Legislature passed a bill named after Matson earlier this year, with that bill being "designed to strengthen criminal penalties for people convicted of assault of a police officer, prosecutor, judge or correctional employee."

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