Sunday June 14 is Flag Day.  I hope everyone displays their American flag to show their pride in our great nation.  To me, there is nothing more moving than a color guard in a parade carrying our flag.  It always makes me emotional and teary eyed.  I wanted to share a few "flag facts" in honor of Flag Day.

The American flag consists of 13 stripes, red alternating with white, which represent the thirteen original colonies, and fifty five-pointed stars representing the 50 states.

The American flag should never be allowed to touch the ground.  If flown at night, it must be illuminated.  If the edges of a flag become frayed, it should be repaired. Should the flag become so tattered that it can no longer properly serve as a symbol of the United States, it should be destroyed in a dignified manner, preferably by burning.  If you have a flag that has become tattered and worn, check with your local American Legion; they can undoubtedly help you destroy it properly.


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