I was just at a buddy's place the other night and he's got a pair of kids who are home for summer break. No longer than 10 minutes into the visit, his kids were running around screaming at each other about not sharing the tablet and staying out of each other's room. I could tell he was on his last nerve so jokingly I asked if I was peering into my own future since I'll have two kids of my own soon? His response was a simple nod of his head before he got up to get us another beer.

We're not even into a month of summer vacation, yet I can feel the pain of all you parents out there who are ready to pull your hair out with having the kids home from school for the next three months. But I just read an article from PopSugar that says some parents would love to shorten their kids' vacation, like dramatically.

According to a survey commissioned by Groupon, many parents feel stressed out and want summer break to end after 13 days. Say what?! That's not even enough time to get a decent tan at the pool!

This was found after 2,000 parents were examined on how they cope with school summer break. The main reason isn't necessarily the kids but... the pressure to keep them entertained. Which I totally understand.

More than half of parents (58%) find themselves pressured to plan out what their kids will do for the entirety of their summer which explains why 75% of parents say they always feel ready for their kids to go back to school.

Five of the top things that parents do to entertain their kids and keep them occupied are amusement parks, movies, the zoo, bowling, and camping.

With the weather being as wet and dreary as it has been the past week, I can see why this would hold true for parents here in southeast Minnesota. But stay strong mom and dad! You've got the fourth of July coming up next week and there's still plenty of pool time for your kids to enjoy. Just make sure the tablets are charged in the meantime and you'll be fine... hopefully.

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