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Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - One of the men who were charged last Friday in connection with an exchange of gunfire outside a Rochester residence earlier this year was sentenced today for another shooting that occurred last summer.

30-year-old Kacey Kamara was given a one-year prison sentence for his conviction on a felony charge of reckless discharge of a firearm and a misdemeanor count of falsely reporting a crime.

photo courtesy Kraus-Anderson
photo courtesy Kraus-Anderson

The charges stemmed from an incident that occurred on August 19th of last year. The criminal complaint says Kamara came to the Emergency Department at St. Mary Hospital to be treated for a gunshot wound to his foot. He initially told Rochester police that he was the victim of a drive-by shooting that he believed was connected to a fight that occurred in Wisconsin six months earlier.

The court document indicates that, after checking for physical evidence at the Alexa scene where Kamara claimed the shooting took place, an investigator spoke with the man's brother, who stated that Kamara was lying. He told police his brother shot himself in the foot while handling a gun as the two men were going through the drive-through of a Rochester coffee shop. The brother said the handgun discharged when Kamara apparently racked the slide on the weapon.

Olmsted County Court
Olmsted County Court

Kamara was also in court this morning for his initial hearing on the four felony charges he faces in connection with the shooting that occurred in May of this year. He is facing second-degree assault, illegal possession of a firearm, witness tampering, and a drive-by shooting charge. It is alleged that Kamara fired a gun at a man who had earlier punched another one of his brothers in the face during an altercation.

Jackson. Olmsted County ADC
Jackson. Olmsted County ADC

The other man, 27-year-old Larry Jackson, was also charged with second-degree assault and illegal possession of a firearm. He is accused of firing as many as 10 bullets at the vehicle Kamara was riding in when the shooting occurred.

Both Jackson and Kamara are due back in court for evidentiary hearings in early August.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

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