Steve Tanko is a life-long resident of the Northland. He was born on the Iron Range and has lived in the Twin Ports all of his adult years. He first started working for the company that owns this radio station in 1993. Although you hear him in the afternoons on KOOL 101.7, his primary role for the company is Regional Production Manager - writing and producing the commercials you hear. He's married with one son. In his free time, Steve enjoys cooking, collecting records (primarily classic country), and studying history and politics. He is also very involved in the community, volunteering time for a variety of boards and committees.
Steve Tanko
Research Shows Eyeglass Wearers Less Likely To Get COVID-19
A recent medical research project has established a connection between wearing eyeglasses and a reduced chance of contracting COVID-19.
Kitchen Items You Should Have More Of To Make The Process Easier
A well-stocked kitchen makes cooking easier. Foodies will tell you that that's essential for creativity - having the tools you need readily available.
Things To Check Before You Turn On Your Heat This Year
Here's a checklist of items to check before or when you turn on your heating system for the first time.
2020 Survey Of Minnesota’s Tourism Industry Reveals Some Surprises
Recently, Explore Minnesota released the preliminary results of their annual post-summer survey.