All I asked for was back-to-school photos. I didn't expect to get this.

Some of you might remember me asking you to share your cute "back to school" photos from Stewartville last week. I was so excited to see the outfits! You looked great!!

There was one photo that I couldn't ignore, however, because it didn't "match" most of what I was seeing. I wasn't your typical "stand in front of the house in a cute outfit holding a sign" back to school photo. It was a picture of Stewartville custodian Adam Hoefs explaining that he "never left" school this year.

Adam Hoefs via Facebook
Adam Hoefs via Facebook

He added, "welcome back kids!" and I asked him about why he "never left" the school. He explained that he's at "Bear Cave Intermediate School in Stewartville. I am a year-round custodian [that's] been working in the district for 2 yrs." It just seemed so sweet to me that he wanted to welcome the kids back personally.

When I asked Adam if he had any words of advice for kids starting their school year, he said, "Push yourself and learn as much as you can. Before you know it, you will graduate, but also be a kid and learn from your mistakes and better yourself for others. Always be truthful and stick up for others. I have always told my [own] kids, see something SAY SOMETHING!"

Great advice! What advice do you think the students need to hear this year?

Listen to Val from 10a to 2p on Z-Rock 107.7.

Listen to Val afternoons from 2p to 6p on Quick Country 96.5

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